Signs It's Time to Replace Your Tires

Aug 6th 2016

Now that your bike is starting to have that custom feel, giving you the look you want, you may be on the road so much that other parts will start to need attention. While you’ll notice an improvement in your ride when you add our custom motorcycle wheels and rims to your bike, the increased time on the road can lead to worn out tires. Replacing your motorcycle tires will not only improve the quality of your ride, but it will also help improve your safety on the road. In this post, we’ll look at several signs that it’s time to replace your tires.

Look for Wear

If you’ve ridden for thousands of miles on the same tire, you’ll likely start to notice that the tire will look worn. The tread may appear less pronounced or, at worst, will be worn completely smooth. Many motorcycle tire manufacturers have wear bars on the tires, letting you know when your tire needs to be replaced. These wear bars are small areas of raised rubber set inside the tread. Once the tread is worn down to these bars, your tire is compromised and may cause a blowout if you continue riding on it.

Cracked Rubber

Environmental conditions can damage the rubber of your motorcycle tire. Hot sun and dry climates can cause the rubber to crack and break down faster, increasing the likelihood of a tire failure. If you notice cracks along the tread or the tire wall, you may want to consider replacing the tire. Furthermore, riding on cracked tires can lead to uneven contact between the rubber and the road, resulting in lower ride-quality.

Uneven Tread

Even if one side of your tire looks less worn than the other, you may still need to replace the tire. Not all motorcycle tires will wear evenly across the surface, so any indication of wear should make you cautious. Many tires start to show wear down the middle, leaving the tread along the side in relatively good shape. However, any wear can decrease the ride quality and should be closely monitored if you leave the tire on.

Cupping on Front Tire

Cupping happens when parts of the front tire have worn away along the tread lines, leaving divots in the rubber. While the rest of the tire may show minimal wear, cupping around the tread can make your ride less stable and may even lead to handling issues, making it more difficult to control your bike at high speeds.


Over time, tires wear down, especially when they’ve been used for years on end. As the tire breaks down, you’ll start to notice small cracks in the tire walls, as well as worn tread. However, even if your tire does not appear to have many signs of wear, it may be worthwhile to replace them. Many manufacturers rate their tires for a certain number of years, giving you the best estimate on how long you have until your tire starts to degrade. If you’ve ridden on your tires for five or more years, it may be time to get them inspected or replaced.

Help your tires last longer by maintaining the recommended tire pressure on both wheels, and upgrade your factory rims with custom motorcycle wheels from RC Components. You’ll notice a difference in how your bike performs and how much attention you get as you ride down the road. Check out our selection online and order today!