Are You Making These Motorcycle Mistakes? Part III

Posted by RC Components on Oct 5th 2018

Whether you’re a new rider or a veteran, you should always be trying to improve your skills and fix bad habits. We looked at several mistakes and bad habits you might be making in parts one and two of this ongoing series, so be sure to catch up on that information if you missed it. In today’s post, we’re going to look at three more mistakes you might be making with your motorcycle. When you’ve finished reading this post, be sure to stop by our online store to browse our great selection of custom motorcycle parts. We have custom chrome motorcycle wheelscustom exhaust pipes, and more!

Skipping the Basics

Though this point probably sounds basic itself, it’s just as important as understanding the fundamentals of riding. You’re excited to get on your motorcycle and hit the open road, but you need to make sure that you have the necessary skills before you take off. Take courses beyond the introductory class you need to get your license that cater to your interests and lifestyle. For instance, if you live in a busy city with a lot of traffic, then try to find a technical riding class that can help you stay safe when you’re on the road with other drivers. If you’re thinking about taking a long-distance trip at some point in the future, then see if you can find a class that will teach you how to stay safe as you ride across the country.

Too Much Too Soon 

Another major mistake that new drivers make is doing too much, too soon. Just like driving a regular vehicle, there’s an acclimation period that needs to be acknowledged when you get your first bike. You might feel like you’re ready to take a passenger for a ride or join your friends on a trip through the mountains shortly after getting your license, but it’s best to wait until you’re comfortable with the fundamentals before trying anything out of the ordinary. Ride through your neighborhood and the surrounding areas before you decide to test your newly learned skills.

Staying Cheap

From the helmet you choose to the wheels on your bike, never purchase something just because of its price. You don’t want to compromise your safety on the road by buying a shoddy helmet or a poorly made jacket, and you certainly don’t want to compromise your bike’s performance by purchasing low-quality custom motorcycle parts. You and your bike deserve the best, so make sure that everything you purchase is top-of-the-line. Our custom chrome motorcycle wheels are one of the best ways to increase your bike’s aesthetic appeal, and our custom exhaust pipes can help you improve your bike’s power and increase its performance.

We hope that this series will help you stay safe on the road and build the custom motorcycle you’ve always wanted. Now that you’re finished with this post, head over to the RC Components website to browse our unparalleled selection of custom chrome motorcycle wheels, exhaust pipes, and more!